
If you have Google Chrome installed on multiple devices you can synchronize quicktexts between machines. Here’s how you do it:

Please make sure that you have the Quicktext extension installed on you Google Chrome before following the steps bellow.

  1. Open the ‘Options’ for Quicktext from Extensions menu in Google Chrome.
  2. Login or Register if your not yet registered on the website.
  3. Click on Sync Now button.

Now all your quicktexts should be synchronized with the Synchronization server.

Now in order to get your quicktexts synchronized with other machines repeat the steps above (but this time just Login).

How does synchronization work?

Every time the synchronization process starts all your quicktexts are uploaded and stored to the via a secure HTTPS connection.

All your quicktexts can now be shared between computers or with other members of your team.

Syncing not only uploads all your quicktexts it also updates the quicktexts that have been modified on other computers or downloads the new quicktexts shared by your team.


No Quicktexts are ever deleted! Unless you specifically demand it. In order to completely delete your data please send an e-mail to