Automatic Suggestions

Automatic suggestions helps finding the correct quicktext as you type. Imagine that you have a quicktext that explains to your users that they have to check their spam inbox:

Quicktext Title: Add note about Spam folder
Quicktext Body: Note: If you can't find the e-mail, please check your
                'Spam' folder in order to find the missing e-mail.

Now when you type spam in the body of your e-mail a small popup will appear where you can choose the correct quicktext:

{Screenshot - preferably gif}

When the automatic suggestions are triggered?

Automatic suggestions are triggered when you type a word that is found in your quicktext in the following order:

  • The title of the quicktext contains the word.
  • Is one of the tags of the quicktext.
  • The body of the quicktext contains the word.

Disabling Automatic Suggestions

Automatic Suggestions are great, but if you want to disable them for some reason you can do so by going to:

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Customize and Control Google Chrome (look for this icon: {TODO})
  3. Tools
  4. Extensions
  5. Find Quicktext extension in the list
  6. Options
  7. Uncheck Automatic Suggestions

You can also get to the Options faster by right-clicking the Quicktext icon in the top right corner (inside the Navigation bar. Next to the ‘Bookmarks’ star icon) and selecting Options.


The Quicktext icon only appears when using Gmail.